Latest News | Apr 18, 2019

STATE ROUNDUP: Drug Pricing Reforms Gain Foothold Across the Country

WASHINGTON, D.C. — From coast to coast, patients are speaking out, and Big Pharma is on the run. Over the last two weeks, from California to Maine, states have taken meaningful steps to protect patients from higher drug prices and crack down on Big Pharma’s price gouging. Take a look:
Oregon (HB 2658)

Maine (LD 1162LD1272LD 1387LD1499)

California (AB 824)

Maryland (HB 768)

Massachusetts (HB 1133SB 706)

“Momentum is building across the country,” said Ben Wakana, Executive Director of Patients For Affordable Drugs Now. “Patients are turning up at statehouses to tell lawmakers just how harmful high drug prices have become — their voices are seeding a movement.”
