Latest News | Nov 1, 2022

ICYMI: Patient Advocate Sheldon Armus Introduced President Biden Today, Thanked Him For Lowering Drug Prices With Inflation Reduction Act

FLORIDA — Patient advocate Sheldon Armus, a Medicare beneficiary from Boynton Beach, shared his story about the high price of his cardiac medications today and introduced President Biden, thanking him for passing the Inflation Reduction Act that will lower drug prices and improve the health of millions of patients. The president delivered remarks in Hallandale Beach about lowering prescription drug costs through the Inflation Reduction Act and protecting Social Security and Medicare.

Sheldon, 74, takes Xarelto and Brilinta, blood thinners that prevent him from developing dangerous blood clots that could lead to a heart attack or stroke. Sheldon explained that Johnson & Johnson has raised the price of Xarelto every year, far outpacing the rate of inflation. It now costs $500 for a 30-day supply, whereas if it had been held to the rate of inflation since 2013, its price would be less than $300 for a month’s supply.

The provisions in the Inflation Reduction Act will, for the first time, allow Medicare to negotiate lower drug prices, curb annual drug price increases to no more than the rate of inflation, cap out-of-pocket costs for Medicare Part D beneficiaries at $2,000 in 2025, limit monthly insulin copays to $35 per month for Medicare beneficiaries, and make adult vaccines free for Medicare beneficiaries starting next year.

“Medicare is gonna have the power to negotiate lower drug prices,” said President Biden at today’s speech. “The total amount of prescription drug prices you have to pay in any one year if you’re a senior on Medicare…will not be more than $2,000 a year – that’s it.”

“Sheldon is a tremendous advocate and we are grateful he shared his story while introducing the president today,” said Merith Basey, Patients For Affordable Drug Now’s Executive Director. “The Inflation Reduction Act will lower costs for hundreds of thousands of Floridians like Sheldon which will make a significant difference in improving their lives. This is one of the many reasons the drug price provisions are supported by almost 80 percent of Americans, including seven out of 10 Republicans.”

Sheldon added: “Knowing that we have leaders like President Biden fighting to bring down our drug prices — not keep money in the pockets of the pharmaceutical companies — means the world to seniors like my wife and myself, who have been waiting on this relief for years.”

Watch Sheldon’s remarks and the president’s full speech here.


P4ADNow Launches Push In Wyoming, Calling Out Senator Lummis For Standing With Big Pharma To Actually Raise Drug Prices

WYOMING — Patients are pushing back hard on Senator Cynthia Lummis’ recent effort to force them to pay more for their prescriptions. Senator Lummis is cosponsoring the so-called Protect Drug Innovation Act, which aims to reverse the life-changing drug price reforms recently passed into law in the Inflation Reduction Act. The bill would repeal reforms patients fought for years to achieve. It would block Medicare from negotiating lower prices, remove caps on annual price increases which are now limited to the rate of inflation, and raise out-of-pocket costs for millions of Medicare beneficiaries. In response, Patients For Affordable Drugs Now is mobilizing patients and launching digital ads in Wyoming to send a clear message to Senator Lummis: Don’t raise our drug prices.

“Senator Lummis is putting Big Pharma ahead of patients, seeking to reverse provisions of the Inflation Reduction Act that will lower costs for thousands of Wyoming patients and which are supported by almost 80 percent of Americans, including seven out of 10 Republicans,” said David Mitchell, cancer patient and founder and president of Patients For Affordable Drugs Now. “Patients worked too hard to pass these reforms to lower drug prices; we will not stand still while pro-pharma senators like Senator Cynthia Lummis try to undo it – we will fight back.”

The senators gave the bill the intentionally misleading name of the “Protect Drug Innovation Act,” falling back on Big Pharma’s discredited chestnut that anything to lower prices will stymie innovation. In the wake of the passage of the Inflation Reduction Act, investment in biotech stocks rose and a major drug company CEO said his company will do fine under its provisions.

P4ADNow’s campaign includes digital static ads as well as grassroots advocacy, where patients tell Senator Lummis to stand with patients, not Big Pharma.

See ad examples below:


In addition to Wyoming, P4ADNow will also be running ads in Oklahoma, Utah, and Florida where Senators Lankford, Lee, and Rubio also sponsored the bill.


Patients For Affordable Drugs Now is an independent, bipartisan patient organization focused on policies to lower drug prices. P4ADNow does not accept funding from any organizations that profit from the development or distribution of prescription drugs.

P4ADNow Launches Push In Oklahoma, Calling Out Senator Lankford For Standing With Big Pharma To Actually Raise Drug Prices

“Our Senators Should Be Working To Expand These Reforms To All Americans, Not Reverse Them. This Legislation Is Unforgivable.”

OKLAHOMA — Patients are pushing back hard on Senator James Lankford’s recent effort to force them to pay more for their prescriptions. Senator Lankford is cosponsoring the so-called Protect Drug Innovation Act, which aims to reverse the life-changing drug price reforms recently passed into law in the Inflation Reduction Act. The bill would repeal reforms patients fought for years to achieve. It would block Medicare from negotiating lower prices, remove caps on annual price increases which are now limited to the rate of inflation, and raise out-of-pocket costs for millions of Medicare beneficiaries. In response, Patients For Affordable Drugs Now is mobilizing patients and launching digital ads in Oklahoma to send a clear message to Senator Lankford: Don’t raise our drug prices.

“Senator Lankford is putting Big Pharma ahead of patients, seeking to reverse provisions of the Inflation Reduction Act that will lower costs for tens of thousands of Oklahomans and which are supported by almost 80 percent of Americans, including seven out of 10 Republicans,” said David Mitchell, cancer patient and founder and president of Patients For Affordable Drugs Now. “Patients worked too hard to pass these reforms to lower drug prices; we will not stand still while pro-pharma senators like James Lankford try to undo it – we will fight back.”

The senators gave the bill the intentionally misleading name of the “Protect Drug Innovation Act,” falling back on Big Pharma’s discredited chestnut that anything to lower prices will stymie innovation. In the wake of the passage of the Inflation Reduction Act, investment in biotech stocks rose and a major drug company CEO said his company will do fine under its provisions.

“I wish I were surprised by Senator Lankford’s attempt to reverse the recent drug price reforms – but this is just another example of politicians standing with Big Pharma instead of with patients,” added Clayton McCook, from Edmond whose daughter, Lily, lives with type 1 diabetes. “The Inflation Reduction Act is a huge step in the right direction to lower drug prices. Our senators should be working to expand these reforms to all Americans, not reverse them. This legislation is unforgivable.”

P4ADNow’s campaign includes digital static ads as well as grassroots advocacy, where patients tell Senator Lankford to stand with patients, not Big Pharma.

See ad examples below:


In addition to Oklahoma, P4ADNow will also be running ads in Utah, Wyoming, and Florida where Senators Lee, Lummis, and Rubio also sponsored the bill.


Patients For Affordable Drugs Now is an independent, bipartisan patient organization focused on policies to lower drug prices. P4ADNow does not accept funding from any organizations that profit from the development or distribution of prescription drugs.

P4ADNow Launches Push In Florida, Calling Out Senator Rubio For Standing With Big Pharma To Actually Raise Drug Prices

“Finally, Congress Passed A Law To Allow Medicare To Negotiate Drug Prices, And Senator Rubio Wants To Reverse It?! Makes No Sense.”

FLORIDA — Patients are pushing back hard on Senator Marco Rubio’s recent effort to force them to pay more for their prescriptions. Senator Rubio is cosponsoring the so-called Protect Drug Innovation Act, which aims to reverse the life-changing drug price reforms recently passed into law in the Inflation Reduction Act. The bill would repeal reforms patients fought for years to achieve. It would block Medicare from negotiating lower prices, remove caps on annual price increases which are now limited to the rate of inflation, and raise out-of-pocket costs for millions of Medicare beneficiaries. In response, Patients For Affordable Drugs Now is mobilizing patients and launching digital ads in Florida to send a clear message to Senator Rubio: Don’t raise our drug prices.

“Senator Rubio is putting Big Pharma ahead of patients, seeking to reverse provisions of the Inflation Reduction Act that will lower costs for hundreds of thousands of Floridians and which are supported by almost 80 percent of Americans, including seven out of 10 Republicans,” said David Mitchell, cancer patient and founder and president of Patients For Affordable Drugs Now. “Patients worked too hard to pass these reforms to lower drug prices; we will not stand still while pro-pharma senators like Marco Rubio try to undo it – we will fight back.”

The senators gave the bill the intentionally misleading name of the “Protect Drug Innovation Act,” falling back on Big Pharma’s discredited chestnut that anything to lower prices will stymie innovation. In the wake of the passage of the Inflation Reduction Act, investment in biotech stocks rose and a major drug company CEO said his company will do fine under its provisions.

“Florida seniors like me need Senator Rubio to stop standing in the way of lowering drug prices!” said Sheldon Armus of Boynton Beach, who lives with several cardiac conditions. “Finally, Congress passed a law to allow Medicare to negotiate drug prices, and Senator Rubio wants to reverse it?! Makes no sense.”

P4ADNow’s campaign includes digital static ads as well as grassroots advocacy, where patients tell Senator Rubio to stand with patients, not Big Pharma.

See ad examples below:


In addition to Florida, P4ADNow will also be running ads in Oklahoma, Utah, and Wyoming, where Senators Lankford, Lee, and Lummis also sponsored the bill.


Patients For Affordable Drugs Now is an independent, bipartisan patient organization focused on policies to lower drug prices. P4ADNow does not accept funding from any organizations that profit from the development or distribution of prescription drugs.

P4ADNow Launches Push In Utah, Calling Out Senator Lee For Standing With Big Pharma To Actually Raise Drug Prices  

“I’m Furious That Senator Lee Spews Big Pharma Lies While He Tries To Make Sure Drug Companies Can Continue To Price Gouge Me For My Prescriptions.”

UTAH — Patients are pushing back hard on Senator Mike Lee’s recent effort to force them to pay more for their prescriptions. Senator Lee introduced the so-called Protect Drug Innovation Act, which aims to reverse the life-changing drug price reforms recently passed into law in the Inflation Reduction Act. The bill would repeal reforms patients fought for years to achieve. It would block Medicare from negotiating lower prices, remove caps on annual price increases which are now limited to the rate of inflation, and raise out-of-pocket costs for millions of Medicare beneficiaries. In response, Patients For Affordable Drugs Now is mobilizing patients and launching digital ads in Utah to send a clear message to Senator Lee: Don’t raise our drug prices.

“Senator Lee is putting Big Pharma ahead of patients, seeking to reverse provisions of the Inflation Reduction Act that will lower costs for tens of thousands of Utahns and which are supported by almost 80 percent of Americans, including seven out of 10 Republicans,” said David Mitchell, cancer patient and founder and president of Patients For Affordable Drugs Now. “Patients worked too hard to pass these reforms to lower drug prices; we will not stand still while pro-pharma senators like Mike Lee try to undo it – we will fight back.”

The senators gave the bill the intentionally misleading name of the “Protect Drug Innovation Act,” falling back on Big Pharma’s discredited chestnut that anything to lower prices will stymie innovation. In the wake of the passage of the Inflation Reduction Act, investment in biotech stocks rose and a major drug company CEO said his company will do fine under its provisions.

“I’m furious that Senator Lee spews Big Pharma lies while he tries to make sure drug companies can continue to price gouge me for my prescriptions,” said Meg Jackson-Drage, from Magna who lives with fibromyalgia and neuropathic pain, both of which require costly medication. “I don’t understand how he can put drug company profits ahead of the needs of his constituents by pushing for the repeal of reforms that lower drug prices.”

P4ADNow’s campaign includes digital static ads as well as grassroots advocacy, where patients tell Senator Lee to stand with patients, not Big Pharma.

See ad examples below:


In addition to Utah, P4ADNow will also be running ads in Oklahoma, Wyoming, and Florida where Senators Lankford, Lummis, and Rubio also sponsored the bill.


Patients For Affordable Drugs Now is an independent, bipartisan patient organization focused on policies to lower drug prices. P4ADNow does not accept funding from any organizations that profit from the development or distribution of prescription drugs.

P4ADNow Launches Push Including Ads In Oklahoma, Utah, Wyoming, and Florida Calling Out Senators Lankford, Lee, Lummis, and Rubio For Standing With Big Pharma To Actually Raise Drug Prices 

“I’m Furious That Senator Lee Spews Big Pharma Lies While He Tries To Make Sure Drug Companies Can Continue To Price Gouge Me For My Prescriptions.”

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Patients are pushing back hard on Republican Senators Lankford (OK), Lee (UT), Lummis (WY), and Rubio (FL)’s recent effort to force them to pay more for their prescriptions. Senator Lee introduced, and Senators Lankford, Lummis, and Rubio cosponsored, the so-called Protect Drug Innovation Act, which aims to reverse the life-changing drug price reforms recently passed into law in the Inflation Reduction Act. The bill would repeal reforms patients fought for years to achieve. It would block Medicare from negotiating lower prices, remove caps on annual price increases which are now limited to the rate of inflation, and raise out-of-pocket costs for millions of Medicare beneficiaries. In response, Patients For Affordable Drugs Now is mobilizing patients and launching digital ads in Oklahoma, Utah, Wyoming, and Florida to send a clear message to these senators: Don’t raise our drug prices.

“Senators Lankford, Lee, Lummis, and Rubio are putting Big Pharma ahead of patients, seeking to reverse provisions of the Inflation Reduction Act that are supported by almost 80 percent of Americans, including seven out of 10 Republicans,” said David Mitchell, cancer patient and founder and president of Patients For Affordable Drugs Now. “Patients worked too hard to pass these reforms to lower drug prices; we will not stand still while pro-pharma senators try to undo it – we will fight back.”

The senators gave the bill the intentionally misleading name of the “Protect Drug Innovation Act,” falling back on Big Pharma’s discredited chestnut that anything to lower prices will stymie innovation. In the wake of the passage of the Inflation Reduction Act, investment in biotech stocks rose and a major drug company CEO said his company will do fine under its provisions.

“I’m furious that Senator Lee spews Big Pharma lies while he tries to make sure drug companies can continue to price gouge me for my prescriptions,” said Meg Jackson-Drage, from Magna, Utah who lives with fibromyalgia and neuropathic pain, both of which require costly medication. “I don’t understand how he can put drug company profits ahead of the needs of his constituents by pushing for the repeal of reforms that lower drug prices.”

“Florida seniors like me need Senator Rubio to stop standing in the way of lowering drug prices!” said Sheldon Armus of Boynton Beach, Florida, who lives with several cardiac conditions. “Finally, Congress passed a law to allow Medicare to negotiate drug prices, and Senator Rubio wants to reverse it?! Makes no sense.”

“I wish I were surprised by Senator Lankford’s attempt to reverse the recent drug price reforms – but this is just another example of politicians standing with Big Pharma instead of with patients,” added Clayton McCook, from Edmond, Oklahoma whose daughter, Lily, lives with type 1 diabetes. “The Inflation Reduction Act is a huge step in the right direction to lower drug prices. Our senators should be working to expand these reforms to all Americans, not reverse them. This legislation is unforgivable.”

P4ADNow’s campaign includes digital ads in the four states as well as grassroots advocacy, where patients tell their senators to stand with patients, not Big Pharma.

See ad examples below:



Patients For Affordable Drugs Now is an independent, bipartisan patient organization focused on policies to lower drug prices. P4ADNow does not accept funding from any organizations that profit from the development or distribution of prescription drugs.

WASHINGTON, D.C. — The following statement was issued by David Mitchell, a cancer patient and founder of Patients For Affordable Drugs Now, in response to reports of Senate Democrats advancing historic, comprehensive drug pricing reforms:

“It is indeed good news for patients and all Americans that Senate Democrats are moving forward with a comprehensive plan to lower prescription drug prices. When enacted into law, these reforms will be historic. For the first time, Medicare will be able to negotiate lower drug prices directly with drug corporations, penalties will be imposed on companies that raise prices faster than the rate of inflation, and there will be an annual out-of-pocket cap for beneficiaries in Medicare Part D. 

“Each of these changes will help bring relief from unrelenting high drug prices in the United States, which run almost four times what other nations pay for the same brand-name drugs. Americans — Republicans, Democrats, and independents alike — overwhelmingly support these reforms, and those in Congress who help get them across the finish line will be rewarded at the ballot box in November. The way forward is clear; the momentum is strong. The Senate must pass the package through reconciliation this summer. We will do everything in our power to help get the job done.”


WASHINGTON, D.C. — The following statement was issued by David Mitchell, a cancer patient and founder of Patients For Affordable Drugs Now, in response to Senators Jeanne Shaheen and Susan Collins’ legislation Improving Needed Safeguards for Users of Lifesaving Insulin Now (INSULIN) Act:

“The bipartisan effort by Senators Shaheen and Collins is further evidence of the power of the drug pricing issue for voters of all political persuasions — Democrats, Republicans, and independents alike. Members of Congress understand that Americans want action to lower drug prices — and insulin has special poignancy.

“People with diabetes are at the mercy of unjustly high insulin prices, and a $35 copay cap would deliver relief to those with insurance. Four out of five adults who live with diabetes or are caregivers for someone with diabetes have gone into debt to pay for insulin. 

“But this legislative text does not guarantee lower list prices for insulin, without which copay caps will result in cost-shifting for insulin and lead to higher premiums and taxes. Without lowering list prices, the insulin copay caps are estimated to cost more than $20 billion over 10 years, according to a Congressional Budget Office score of the insulin copay cap bill passed by the House of Representatives. It is difficult to imagine insulin makers will voluntarily reduce their net prices. History tells us we cannot rely on pharma to do the right thing, and this bill does not offer any enforcement. 

“Conversely, Senate Democrats have a unique opportunity right now to pass comprehensive legislation that would both cap insulin copays and lower the list price of insulin and other critical drugs. The drug price provisions passed by the House and under consideration by the Senate will cap insulin copays to $35, prevent drug corporations from price gouging patients with year-over-year increases, and finally allow Medicare to negotiate directly with drug companies for lower prices on prescription drugs, including insulin. 

“There are millions of patients who rely on expensive medications who urgently need the reforms in the drug pricing package, including, most importantly, Medicare negotiation. There is a path forward in the Senate to pass the legislation through reconciliation. President Biden believes the votes are there to pass drug pricing reform, Speaker Pelosi expressed optimism for the reconciliation bill, Senator Manchin and Majority Leader Schumer’s negotiations on reconciliation have resumed, and Senator Manchin remains committed to passing comprehensive drug pricing reforms.

“In order to deliver on their promises to all patients — including those who depend on insulin — the Senate’s number one priority on drug pricing must be to pass the broad drug price provisions through reconciliation.”
