Latest News | Apr 26, 2021

The Week in Review in Prescription Drug Pricing

We go Back To December (2019’s Version) all the time.
Welcome to the Week in Review.

  1. What We’ve Been Waiting For

2.  Let’s Get The Job Done

3. States Take On The Mantle

4. No Sign Of Slowing

5. Advertising Isn’t R&D

Welcome to the Week in Review.

  1. A Step In The Right Direction

2.  Win-Win

3. Maine Tackles Medication Prices

4. Oregon For The People

5. The High Price Of Cancer

To high drug prices we say, bye bye baby.
Welcome to the Week in Review.

  1. Big Pharma’s Big Lie

2.  “We Need Reforms Now”

3. Consequences Of Corporate Consolidation

4. Voters Demand Change

5. CEOs Cash In

If we can get a ship out of the Suez Canal, we can lower drug prices.
Welcome to the Week in Review.

  1. Presidential Promises

2.  Congressional Movement On Drug Pricing

3. We’re Fired Up

4. Our Voices Will Prevail

5. “A Responsibility To Take Action”

Get your vaccine now, a donut tomorrow, and a $175 booster next year?

Welcome to the Week in Review.

  1. A Lesson From COVID-19 Vaccines

2.  This Is The Moment

3. Coast To Coast

4. “Not The Life That I Want For My Son”

5. Drugs Don’t Work If People Can’t Afford Them

One more thing: This week, P4AD Founder David Mitchell pushed back against the idea that Big Pharma deserves all the credit for COVID-19 vaccines in a Wall Street Journal letter. He breaks down just how much publicly funded research and the government are to thank for the vaccines. 

Hello! I’m thrilled to be joining P4ADNow and all of you in the fight to lower drug prices. 

Welcome to the Week in Review.

  1. It’s Official: Secretary Becerra

2.  Winning The Battle In Minnesota

3. The Price Is Never Right

Hey Britain, pharma ads horrify us, too.
Welcome to the Week in Review.

  1. Cashing In On A Crisis

2.  Double Talk

3. Colorado Clamps Down

4. Greed, Not Need

5. Small Businesses Call For Lower Drug Prices

“Vaccine, vaccine, vaccine, vaccine! I’m begging of you, please don’t hesitate.”

Welcome to the Week in Review.

  1. Your Move, Majority Leader

2.  Fight For Us

3. Pattern Of Profit

4. Pharma Sees Permission To Price Gouge

5. Holding Patients Hostage