Latest News | Jan 20, 2021

Swearing In Of New Georgia Senators Sets Stage For Washington To Deliver On Promises To Lower Prescription Drug Prices

WASHINGTON, D.C. — The following statement was issued by David Mitchell, a cancer patient and the founder of Patients For Affordable Drugs Now:

“The swearing in of the two Georgia Democratic senators creates the best political environment in years for serious reforms to address high drug prices in America. Democrats and Republicans across the country campaigned on promises to bring relief to the American people; Senators Jon Ossoff and Raphael Warnock will provide the margin to deliver on those promises. Under Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, the Senate has the opportunity to advance bipartisan, comprehensive drug pricing legislation, such as that passed by the House in the 116th Congress and likely to be passed by the House early in this session. President Biden has stated clearly his strong support for reforms to lower drug prices, including direct Medicare price negotiations with the drug corporations.

“Americans are suffering as we pay almost four times what other wealthy nations pay for prescription drugs. That must end. Patients For Affordable Drugs Now looks forward to working with the administration and members of Congress from both parties who are ready to lift the burden of high drug prices from the backs of the American people in the months ahead.”


 Welcome to the Week in Review.

  1. Price Hikes Price Out Patients

2. Let. Medicare. Negotiate. Now.

3. “Anything But a Free Market”

4. You’re Welcome, Pharma

5. We’re Powered By Patients

 Welcome to the Week in Review. We hope everyone is safe and hanging in there this week.

  1. Our Origin Story

2. New Year, Same Price Hikes

3. Stand Up for Seniors

4. Blockbuster Pharma Ad Spends

5. Keep Up the Momentum

2020, what a year it has been. We welcome 2021 and wish health, hope, and happiness to you all.

1. Candidates’ Campaign Promises

2. Taxpayer-Funded Light At The End Of The Tunnel

3. Big Pharma’s Lies Spectacularly Revealed

4. Business As Usual

5. Patients Speak, Work Toward Change

We are looking ahead with hope for 2021: For speedy access to a COVID-19 vaccine for every American — and for lower drug prices. Welcome to the Week In Review.

1. Disputing a Double Charge

2. We’re Saving Ourselves

3. Bipartisan Calls For Action

4. What a Coincidence

5. More Patient Assistance Ploys

We hope drug prices are lowered… for evermore.
Welcome to the Week In Review.

1. Business as Usual

2. A Half Billion To Keep Power

3. A Vacation Package… to the Pharmacy

4. We’re Disadvantaging Ourselves

5. Flooding Our Airwaves

WASHINGTON, D.C. — The following statement was issued today by David Mitchell, a cancer patient and the founder of Patients For Affordable Drugs Now, on the nomination of California Attorney General Xavier Becerra for U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services:

“President-elect Biden’s choice of Xavier Becerra for Secretary of HHS is good news for patients and the fight for lower drug prices. We have seen his effectiveness firsthand while working with his office to enact the groundbreaking law AB 824 in California, which curbs anti-competitive pay-for-delay deals that block cheaper generic competition. He has led fights to stop drug company price gouging and to lower prices through greater transparency and regulation of pharmacy benefit managers (PBMs). During his time as attorney general and in the U.S. Congress, Becerra has demonstrated his understanding of America’s rigged drug pricing system and his commitment to achieving reforms to fix it. We support his nomination and look forward to working together in the interests of patients and all Americans.”



Welcome to the Week In Review.

1. Fight for Equity

2. Patents Enabling Profiteering

3. Show Us the Receipts