Latest News | Mar 15, 2021

The Week in Review in Prescription Drug Pricing

Hey Britain, pharma ads horrify us, too.
Welcome to the Week in Review.

  1. Cashing In On A Crisis

2.  Double Talk

3. Colorado Clamps Down

4. Greed, Not Need

5. Small Businesses Call For Lower Drug Prices

“Vaccine, vaccine, vaccine, vaccine! I’m begging of you, please don’t hesitate.”

Welcome to the Week in Review.

  1. Your Move, Majority Leader

2.  Fight For Us

3. Pattern Of Profit

4. Pharma Sees Permission To Price Gouge

5. Holding Patients Hostage

Patients For Affordable Drugs turned 4 years old this week! Thank you to everyone who has been in this fight with us. 

Welcome to the Week in Review.

  1. Confirm Becerra Now

2.  Seize The Moment

3. Post-Pandemic Profiteering Plans

4. An Incentive To Price Gouge

5. Our Work, Their Reward

Who would’ve thought we’d land on Mars EIGHT TIMES before we landed lower drug prices?

Welcome to the Week in Review.

  1. Minnesota Makes A Move

2. A Unifying Cause

3. Magnifying The Price Hikes

Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
We want lower drug prices
And know you do, too.

Welcome to the Week in Review.

  1. A Win For Maryland!

2. Racial Justice’s Patent Problem

3. Patients Can’t Wait

4. The State of Affairs

5. Pharma Spends Big On Ads

Ahead of Super Bowl Sunday, here’s a reminder that Humira generates more in revenue than these two teams AND ALL THE OTHERS COMBINED.

Welcome to the Week in Review.

  1. Big Pharma’s Big Lie

2. Open Your Books

3. States Get The Ball Rolling

This isn’t a GAME. STOP gouging prescription drug prices, pharma. Welcome to the Week in Review.

  1. Americans Pay More

2. Welcome to the Team!

3. A Mandate for Congress

4. Say No to Pandemic Price Gouging

5. “A Vicious Cycle”

 Here’s to a historic week. Welcome to the Week in Review.

  1. The Time is Now

2. One Step Closer

3. These Are Our Stories