Latest News | Jul 6, 2021

The Week in Review in Prescription Drug Pricing

Enough said.
Welcome to the Week in Review.

  1. “It’s Unforgivable”

2. The People Are Behind You

3.  The Hidden Hand

4. Profits Over Patients

5. Case Study: Antiparasitics

Price hikes are coming up fast, and we’re furious that Big Pharma’s bad behavior has lasted way longer than this movie franchise.
Welcome to the Week in Review.

  1. The Principal Principle: Medicare Negotiation

2.  Don’t Be Fooled

3.  Path Emerges For Drug Price Reform

4. Aduhelm Spending May Rocket Above NASA

5. Price-Fixing Ploys

Welcome to the Week in Review (a day early, in observance of Juneteenth)

  1. Colorado Stands Up to Big Pharma

2.  Aduhelm: Medicare Negotiation Poster Child

3.  NJ Patients Need Congress To Support H.R. 3

4. ?, Maine!

5. The People Have Spoken

Bonus?: Patients For Affordable Drugs Founder David Mitchell talks to Healthcare-NOW about the importance of Medicare negotiation, drug pricing and innovation, and the COVID-19 vaccine. — (Healthcare-NOW!)

This week: a new royal baby and a new drug only royalty can afford.
Welcome to the Week in Review.

  1. Drug Pricing Poster Child

2.  Congress Negotiates Negotiation

3.  Colorado Makes History

4. Seniors Pay The Price

5. Pharma Pours Cash On Lawmakers

What do AbbVie and UFOs have in common? They’re both under investigation by the U.S. government.

Welcome to the Week in Review.

  1. Take The Lead: Pass H.R. 3

2.  Pharma Adds To List Of Offenses

3.  “An Easy Choice That Will Save Lives”

Between the Friends reunion and pharma’s lies about H.R. 3’s impact on innovation, it sure feels like deja vu.Welcome to the Week in Review.

  1. Momentum Grows

2.   Pharma Giant At It Again

3.  Negotiation Works

Captain America has weighed in — drug prices must be lowered.
Welcome to the Week in Review.

  1. Dear Congress: Patients Need You To Keep Fighting

2.   The Price Of Pharma’s Unilateral Pricing Power 

3.  H.R. 3 Is Good For Business

4. Patent Abuse Alert

5. Patients Take On State Capitols

If Bennifer can be revived, drug prices can be lowered.
Welcome to the Week in Review.

  1. “The Time To Act Is Now”

2.   Maine Fights Pharma Greed Statewide And Nationally 

3. WV Senators: Patients Need You

4. A Case Study: Cancer Drugs

5. Cracking The Innovation Myth