Latest News | Mar 5, 2022

The Week in Review in Prescription Drug Pricing

Welcome to the Week in Review.

1. “First, Cut The Costs Of Prescription Drugs”

2. Voters Are Watching

3. Seize This Moment

One more thing: The non-profit drug company Civica announced a plan to manufacture and sell biosimilars of some of the most widely used insulin products at a fraction of the brand-name prices. This could be a game changer for patients who depend on insulin to live, especially for those who are uninsured.

“Let’s Let Medicare Negotiate The Price Of Prescription Drugs”

WASHINGTON, D.C. — The following statement was issued by David Mitchell, a cancer patient and founder of Patients For Affordable Drugs Now, following the president’s State of the Union address:

“Tonight, President Biden once again called for legislation to lower prescription drug prices, including Medicare negotiation. For two decades, Americans have been targeted by drug companies that established a system that prevents our government from negotiating on our behalf. It is imperative that the Senate pass a package of reforms that will couple copay and out-of-pocket caps with provisions that drive down prices by empowering Medicare to negotiate lower prices and limiting year-to-year price increases to truly lower costs — not just shift them around. Otherwise, Americans will wind up paying more through higher premiums and taxes.

“With inflation at record levels and Americans facing rising costs, Big Pharma’s price gouging forces Americans to pay almost four times what people in other nations pay for the same brand-name drugs. The drug price reforms from the House-passed Build Back Better package allow Medicare to negotiate lower prices, curb Big Pharma’s price gouging, cap out-of-pocket costs, and deliver long overdue relief to millions of Americans. The reforms have the support of all 50 Democratic senators, offering a clear path to passage through reconciliation. The provisions are the most popular element of the original package, and more than 90 percent of voters list drug pricing reform as a top issue for the midterms. 

“It is time for the Senate to advance a reconciliation package with these drug price reforms. Americans need help now.”



President Biden has been clear in his commitment to lower drug prices. In tomorrow’s State of the Union address, he has the opportunity to once again push for Senate action to pass the comprehensive drug pricing reforms included in the House-passed Build Back Better package. Congress is closer than ever to passing meaningful drug pricing reforms with support from all 50 Democratic senators and the overwhelming majority of voters. 

Here is our State of Drug Pricing Reform to demonstrate just how close we are: 

1. Congress Is Poised To Act

2. Big Pharma Exploits A Broken System, But Americans See Through Its Lies and Propaganda

3. Patients Demand Reform

Leading up to and following the State of the Union, P4ADNow’s David Mitchell and other patient advocates are available to speak with press about the drug pricing reforms.


Welcome to the Week in Review.

1. “No Brainer”

2. We’re Speaking Loud And Clear

3. New Year, Same Behavior

One more thing: P4AD founder David Mitchell was named one of STAT’s 46 leaders and influencers in health and life sciences. Check out a full list of the influential individuals here.

What’s harder: getting pharma to stop profiteering during a pandemic or Wordle now that The New York Times owns it?

Welcome to the Week in Review.

1. Lower Prices To Lower Costs

2. The Maine Issue: Drug Unaffordability

3. States’ Focus On Pharma

On the eve of the Super Bowl, here’s a not-so-fun fact: The revenue Pfizer earned from its vaccine last year is more than DOUBLE the average yearly revenue of every single NFL team COMBINED.

Welcome to the Week in Review.

1. 91 Organizations, 1 Message

2. Congress Can Act Now

3. Democratic Senators In Agreement

4. High Prices Harm Patients Everywhere

5. States Continue Drug Pricing Momentum

We think Big Pharma should follow Tom Brady’s lead and retire its price hikes.

Welcome to the Week in Review.

1. Blockbuster Prices Reach New Heights

2. Drug Pricing Provisions Are Popular

3. “How Do You Justify That?”

Two things that aren’t fair: football games being determined by coin tosses and Americans paying four times more than other countries for prescription drugs.

Welcome to the Week in Review.

1. Our Top Priority

2. Calls For Action

3. “The Time Is Upon Us”

One more thing: From Washington to Virginia, lawmakers have introduced legislation to create prescription drug affordability boards to tackle high prices at the state level.