In his State of the Union address this week, President Biden called on Congress to lower the prices of prescription drugs by passing reforms, including allowing Medicare to negotiate. He listed lowering drug prices as a key part of his plan to lower costs for Americans who are feeling the impact of inflation. Following the address, Senator Manchin offered renewed momentum for passing a reconciliation package by calling for a plan that includes lowering drug prices for Americans. The drug pricing reforms in the House-passed Build Back Better Act are the most popular element of the package, will deliver relief to patients, and have been endorsed by all 50 Democratic senators. With the Senate back in session, the moment is at hand – Congress, it’s time to act. — (CNBC, The Hill)
2. Voters Are Watching
New polling and analyses on rising drug prices demonstrate why Congress must pass the drug price reforms from the Build Back Better Act. A Morning Consult survey reveals that 9 in 10 voters consider drug prices an important issue leading up to the midterm elections, and 3 in 4 voters say that a failure to pass drug pricing reforms will impact their vote in November. Analyses released this week detail how drug companies have hiked the prices of brand-name drugs, many of which are among the most costly drugs for Medicare and bear price increases above the rate of inflation. One analysis found that if the drug pricing reforms under consideration by the Senate had been in place in 2022, drug companies would already owe more than $150 million in fines to the federal government due to price gouging. We need these reforms so we can finally hold drug companies accountable for their exploitative pricing practices and lower prices for patients and all Americans. We can’t afford to wait any longer. — (Morning Consult, Kaiser Family Foundation, AARP, West Health)
3. Seize This Moment
Opinion pieces are flooding in about the urgent need for drug pricing reform. Rep. Susan Wild wrote an op-ed this week urging her colleagues to act swiftly to lower drug prices for patients and deliver on their campaign promises. “Democrats have promised for years that we’d hold Big Pharma accountable and lower the price of prescription drugs for Americans,” Rep. Wild writes. “And now we have the opportunity to follow through on that promise.” Communitymembers, advocates, and an editorial board added their voices in support of drug pricing reforms. “There will never be a better time to deliver on their promise of fair drug prices,” writes AARP Pennsylvania state director Bill Johnston-Walsh. “Washington can’t let Big Pharma keep ripping off our seniors.” — (The Hill, Las Vegas Sun, Culpeper Star-Exponent, The Patriot-News, The Journal Inquirer)
One more thing: The non-profit drug company Civica announced a plan to manufacture and sell biosimilars of some of the most widely used insulin products at a fraction of the brand-name prices. This could be a game changer for patients who depend on insulin to live, especially for those who are uninsured.
“Let’s Let Medicare Negotiate The Price Of Prescription Drugs”
WASHINGTON, D.C. — The following statement was issued by David Mitchell, a cancer patient and founder of Patients For Affordable Drugs Now, following the president’s State of the Union address:
“Tonight, President Biden once again called for legislation to lower prescription drug prices, including Medicare negotiation. For two decades, Americans have been targeted by drug companies that established a system that prevents our government from negotiating on our behalf. It is imperative that the Senate pass a package of reforms that will couple copay and out-of-pocket caps with provisions that drive down prices by empowering Medicare to negotiate lower prices and limiting year-to-year price increases to truly lower costs — not just shift them around. Otherwise, Americans will wind up paying more through higher premiums and taxes.
“With inflation at record levels and Americans facing rising costs, Big Pharma’s price gouging forces Americans to pay almost four times what people in other nations pay for the same brand-name drugs. The drug price reforms from the House-passed Build Back Better package allow Medicare to negotiate lower prices, curb Big Pharma’s price gouging, cap out-of-pocket costs, and deliver long overdue relief to millions of Americans. The reforms have the support of all 50 Democratic senators, offering a clear path to passage through reconciliation. The provisions are the most popular element of the original package, and more than 90 percent of voters list drug pricing reform as a top issue for the midterms.
“It is time for the Senate to advance a reconciliation package with these drug price reforms. Americans need help now.”
The prescription drug pricing reforms in the House-passed Build Back Better Act would:
Empower Medicare to negotiate lower prices for the most expensive prescription drugs, including insulin.
Cap annual out-pocket-costs for Medicare beneficiaries at $2,000 in Part D.
Implement a copay cap of $35 a month on insulin products for people on commercial or government insurance plans.
Penalize drug companies for price increases that outpace the rate of inflation.
President Biden has repeatedlystated his commitment to deliver lower drug prices for Americans. In December, the president met with two patientadvocates to hear their stories ahead of his speech on drug pricing reforms in his Build Back Better plan.
The drug pricing reforms in the Build Back Better Act have been endorsed by the entire Democratic caucus. Key members continue to emphasize that lowering drug prices will address high and rising costs and are encouraging the caucus to move forward with the comprehensive drug price provisions, including Medicare negotiation.
Allowing Medicare to negotiate is widelysupported by Democrats, Republicans, and independents alike.
8 in 10 Americans agree that Medicare should have the power to negotiate with drug companies for lower prices.
Polls have repeatedly shown that voters believe Medicare negotiation is the top priority in the president’s Build Back Better plan.
According to a new Morning Consult poll, 9 in 10 voters consider drug prices an important issue leading up to the midterm elections. 3 in 4 voters say that a failure to pass drug pricing reforms will impact their vote.
President Biden has been clear in his commitment to lower drug prices. In tomorrow’s State of the Union address, he has the opportunity to once again push for Senate action to pass the comprehensive drug pricing reforms included in the House-passed Build Back Better package. Congress is closer than ever to passing meaningful drug pricing reforms with support from all 50 Democratic senators and the overwhelming majority of voters.
Here is our State of Drug Pricing Reform to demonstrate just how close we are:
1. Congress Is Poised To Act
The comprehensive drug pricing reforms in the Build Back Better Act that passed out of the House have a clear path forward through reconciliation, with the support of all 50 Democratic senators. These reforms will provide relief to millions of patients by authorizing Medicare to negotiate directly with drug companies, limiting year-to-year price increases, and capping out-of-pocket costs. The drug pricing provisions are the most popular element of BBB with support from voters of all political stripes. Democrats in Congress have both a will and a way to pass the reforms. Key members continue to emphasize that lowering drug prices will address high and rising costs and are encouraging the caucus to move forward with the comprehensive drug price provisions, including Medicare negotiation. This month in Virginia, President Biden called for the reforms alongside frontline Democratic Rep. Spanberger.
“Patients are counting on President Biden to use the power of his office and the moment of the State of the Union address to move his party to action to finally pass the comprehensive drug pricing reforms in BBB, including Medicare negotiation,” says P4ADNow’s David Mitchell in advance of tomorrow’s SOTU. “Americans are looking to Congress and the president to deliver on this once-in-a-generation opportunity to provide relief to millions who are struggling under the burden of high drug prices.”
2. Big Pharma Exploits A Broken System, But Americans See Through Its Lies and Propaganda
Congress and the president have the opportunity to take on Big Pharma’s endless greed. In January 2022, pharma hiked the prices of nearly 750 drugs, including 11 of the 15 top-selling products in the United States. Congress can deliver relief to Americans facing rising costs by cracking down on Big Pharma’s price gouging with inflationary price caps and Medicare negotiation. Contrary to pharma’slies, the drug pricing reforms in the Build Back Better Act would increase patient access to medications while maintaining innovation for new drugs. “Running the numbers on pharma’s claims shows just how light reform’s injury to innovation would be,” according to New York Magazine. “There are indications that public and political patience for these shenanigans is at a breaking point and that pharma’s grip on Washington is beginning to loosen.”
3. Patients Demand Reform
Patients have been callingonCongress to finish the job and pass the provisions in the Build Back Better Act through letters, phone calls, opinionpieces and interviewswithreporters. They represent the more than 40 percent of Americans who reported having difficulty affording their medications in the last year and the estimated 5 million Medicare beneficiaries who struggle to access their medications due to price. Of those Americans struggling to afford their prescriptions, Black and Latino seniors, people with lower incomes, and people with chronic conditions are disproportionately hurt. It’s no surprise that among Democrats, Republicans, and independents alike, voters believe that Medicare negotiation is the top priority in the president’s agenda. “As patients, we don’t have to choose between innovation and lower drug prices,” writes Christina Raymond, a Maine patient living with breast cancer and lupus. “Passing the drug pricing reforms in Build Back Better would increase access to medications by decreasing the prices and deliver relief to millions of patients like me,” explains Travis Paulson, a Minnesota patient living with type 1 diabetes.
Leading up to and following the State of the Union, P4ADNow’s David Mitchell and other patient advocates are available to speak with press about the drug pricing reforms.
Welcome to the Week in Review.
1. “No Brainer”
As Congress continues work on a reconciliation package, Democrats know that they must deliver on one of voters’ most popular priorities: lowering drug prices. Democratic senators agree that allowing Medicare to negotiate lower prices would offer relief to Americans struggling under high costs due to record inflation. All 50 Democratic senators support the comprehensive provisions from the Build Back Better Act. As Senator Joe Manchin says, lowering drug prices is a “no brainer.” Let’s get it done. — (NPR, The New York Times, New York Magazine)
2. We’re Speaking Loud And Clear
Patient advocates called for lower drug prices on both the federal and state levels this week. In a story for the Deseret News, patients shared the difficult decisions they have been forced to make in order to afford their prescription drugs, including rationing medications to lower costs. In op-eds, type 1 diabetes patient Mindy Salango and AARP Delaware State Director Lucretia Young urged Congress to pass the drug pricing provisions in the Build Back Better Act to help patients afford their medications. And in the Bangor Daily News, a Maine resident calls on her state legislators to pass a bill that ties drug prices to those in Canada. Americans know this is the year we can achieve significant reforms for patients, and we’re not backing down until our lawmakers act. — (Deseret News, Newsweek, News Journal, Bangor Daily News)
3. New Year, Same Behavior
This week, Moderna announced revenues of $18.5 billion from its COVID-19 vaccine in 2021, and the company expects even higher revenues this year at about $22 billion. Reminder: Moderna has admitted that 100 percent of the vaccine’s research and development was backed by government funding. Two years after the start of the pandemic, taxpayers are still paying twice for a vaccine we invented. — (FiercePharma)
One more thing: P4AD founder David Mitchell was named one of STAT’s 46 leaders and influencers in health and life sciences. Check out a full list of the influential individuals here.
What’s harder: getting pharma to stop profiteering during a pandemic or Wordle now that The New York Times owns it?
Welcome to the Week in Review.
1. Lower Prices To Lower Costs
As Democrats gear up for election season, Americans are struggling with rising costs. Lawmakers know they can deliver relief by lowering drug prices for patients by passing the drug price reforms from the Build Back Better Act through reconciliation. The drug pricing provisions have support from all 50 Democratic senators, and Senate Democrats resumedtalks on a reconciliation package this week. It’s time for Congress to deliver on their promises to lower drug prices for millions of Americans across the country who can’t afford their medications. Patients are counting on them. — (The Hill)
2. The Maine Issue: Drug Unaffordability
On Tuesday, patient advocate Sabrina Fuhrer testified during a Maine state legislature hearing in support of a bill that would curb pharmaceutical price gouging by tying drug prices in Maine to prices in neighboring Canada. Sabrina, who has a son living with type 1 diabetes, shared her family’s experience with high drug prices and urged the legislature to act to lower prices for Mainers. “Bringing prices for Mainers in line with what Canada pays would provide relief to so many families like mine who are struggling to make ends meet,” Sabrina said. “I urge you to support LD 1636 to protect my family, my patients, and fellow Mainers from the burden of high drug prices.” — (Sun Journal)
3. States’ Focus On Pharma
In addition to federal action to hold Big Pharma accountable, patients need state lawmakers to pass legislation that lowers drug prices. A Boston Globe editorial this week calls on the Massachusetts House to follow the state Senate’s lead and pass a bill that would increase drug price transparency and cap insulin copays. In New Jersey, Gov. Murphy announced his support for several bills that would cap out-of-pocket costs for some medications — but patients need lawmakers to go further and directly address high prices by creating a prescription drug affordability board. States must hold Big Pharma accountable for its abusive pricing practices. — (The Boston Globe, Asbury Park Press)
On the eve of the Super Bowl, here’s a not-so-fun fact: The revenue Pfizer earned from its vaccine last year is more than DOUBLE the average yearly revenue of every single NFL team COMBINED.
Welcome to the Week in Review.
1. 91 Organizations, 1 Message
More than 90 groups sent a letter to Senate Democrats this week urging them to advance a reconciliation package that includes the drug pricing reforms in the Build Back Better Act. The signers of the letter include major unions, disease advocacy groups, and organizations representing patients, consumers, seniors, employers, and physicians. “Right now, you have a time-limited opportunity to deliver relief to millions of Americans,” the letter reads. “Congress can pass these drug pricing reforms in short order and move the nation in a new direction.” — (Politico)
2. Congress Can Act Now
At a Thursday event, President Biden, Rep. Spanberger, and Health and Human Services Secretary Becerra highlighted how the drug pricing provisions in the Build Back Better Act will help lower prescription drug prices for Americans. The president was introduced by middle school student and type 1 diabetes patient Joshua Davis, whose family spends thousands of dollars per year on insulin. Americans are paying more for prescription drugs than people in peer countries, and President Biden and congressional Democrats know that rising costs is a kitchen table issue. The provisions in the Build Back Better Act have the support of the president and all 50 Senate Democrats. It’s time to get it done. — (CNN)
3. Democratic Senators In Agreement
As the inflation rate continues to rise, Democratic senators know that lowering drug prices will help deliver immediate financial relief to Americans. “The best antidote you can do here in the Senate from the standpoint of fighting inflation is really … Number one, cutting costs, which is what I’m all about with the prescription drug bill,” says Senate Finance Committee Chairman Wyden. “One of the things I’d like to see, and the things that should’ve happened already, is prescription drug negotiations, lowering health care costs and prescription drug costs for families,” says Senator Cortez-Masto. “It should’ve been done already.” We couldn’t agree more. — (Punchbowl News)
4. High Prices Harm Patients Everywhere
Patient advocates and community leaders described the impact of high drug prices on patients and the need for Congress to pass drug pricing reforms. Marcus LaCour shared his story of living with type 1 diabetes and being forced to ration his insulin due to high prices with several mediaoutlets this week. State and local elected officials urged Congress to act immediately to lower prices for patients. “Congress can help right now to address these high drug prices by allowing Medicare to negotiate the price of prescription drugs on behalf of patients,” writes West Virginia state legislator Chad Lovejoy. Jeff Grayzel, a former New Jersey mayor who spent 13 years working for a drug company, explains, “The truth is, drug pricing reforms will lower drug prices, increase access to medication, and give millions of Americans the financial relief they desperately need.” — (Ohio Capital Journal, News 5 Cleveland, Charleston Gazette-Mail, TAPintoBordentown, The Kingstree News, Bay to Bay News)
5. States Continue Drug Pricing Momentum
In state legislatures, lawmakers worked to protect patients from high drug prices. The Massachusetts state Senate passed a bill that would allow the state to review unreasonable prices, develop programs to make expensive drugs more affordable, and limit out-of-pocket costs for certain medications, including insulin. In New Jersey, state senator Troy Singleton wrote an op-ed urging his colleagues to advance a bill that would establish a prescription drug affordability board in the state. We’re thankful for all state legislators who are champions of drug pricing reform — patients are counting on you to keep fighting. — (MassLive, Star-Ledger)
We think Big Pharma should follow Tom Brady’s lead and retire its price hikes.
Welcome to the Week in Review.
1. Blockbuster Prices Reach New Heights
The latest report from P4AD takes a closer look at the 742 price hikes taken by drug companies already this year. The hikes, which are concentrated among the top-selling products in the United States, demonstrate why congressional action is urgently needed to address skyrocketing drug prices. Among the price increases are medications like Xarelto and Januvia, which are some of the most costly drugs for Medicare Part D and would likely be eligible for negotiation if the drug pricing reforms in the Build Back Better Act are signed into law. “I work three jobs to be able to afford the astronomical prices of my cancer and diabetes drugs,” says Steven Hadfield of Charlotte. “The price increases to Imbruvica and Januvia just make it that much harder to afford the medications I need.” — (P4ADNow)
2. Drug Pricing Provisions Are Popular
This week, 40 House Democrats sent a letter to congressional leadership calling on their colleagues to lower drug prices by passing the reforms already agreed to in the Build Back Better Act. Tackling high drug prices is one of the most popular issues across the country — recent polls found that over 70 percent of Arizona and West Virginia voters support allowing Medicare to negotiate lower prices. Congress must rebalance our drug pricing system and help Americans get the medications we need. Patients are depending on it. — (The Hill, Charleston Gazette-Mail, ProtectOur Care, Bloomberg, The Exponent Telegram)
3. “How Do You Justify That?”
Patients continued to speak out about outrageous drug prices this week. In a viral TikTok video, Abigail Gingerale shared a phone call with a pharmacist who said her medication to treat narcolepsy cost over $18,000 for a month’s supply. In a letter to the editor, breast cancer and lupus patient Christina Raymond described why she needs Congress to pass drug pricing reform. “Each round of chemo costs $10,000, a chemo shot called Neulasta is priced at $24,000 every two months, and Lupron — a hormone therapy I took until last year — costs $1,500 a month,” Christina writes. “It’s time for Congress to pass these badly needed drug pricing reforms to deliver the innovation we need at prices we can afford.” — (Newsweek, Lewiston Sun Journal)
Two things that aren’t fair: football games being determined by coin tosses and Americans paying four times more than other countries for prescription drugs.
Welcome to the Week in Review.
1. Our Top Priority
A new survey reveals that small business owners consider addressing high prescription drug prices a top priority for the reconciliation package. A separate poll shows that Americans believe allowing Medicare to negotiate lower drug prices is the top reason to pass the president’s economic plan. Americans are feeling the pinch of rising costs across the board, and lowering drug prices will mitigate the effects of inflation. Patients, taxpayers, and employers know: Drug pricing reform is common sense. — (Small Business for America’s Future, Navigator Research)
Advocacygroups and a medical society continued to push Congress to pass drug pricing reforms to help patients across the country. “Senator Manchin said he is with us in this fight, and West Virginia families are counting on him to deliver,” the voiceover in Protect Our Care’s ad in West Virginia says. The president of the American Academy of Neurology writes, “The time is upon us to lower prescription drug prices. It is essential that Congress act to ensure that Americans have access to critical therapies.” — (Public News Service, Center for American Progress, Protect Our Care, MedPage Today)
One more thing: From Washington to Virginia, lawmakers have introduced legislation to create prescription drug affordability boards to tackle high prices at the state level.