Latest News | Apr 23, 2022

The Week in Review in Prescription Drug Pricing

Which costs more: a first-round NBA playoff game ticket, a Coachella ticket, or a bottle of the blood thinner Xarelto? Click here to find out.

Welcome to the Week in Review.

1. “It’s Simply Wrong”

2. We’re Not Buying Big Pharma’s Lies

3. “Lives On The Line”

4. The Patents Behind Monopoly Prices

5. Another Drug Industry Game

One more thing: On Tuesday, April 26, over 70 organizations will join together to launch the campaign “Push For Lower Rx Prices” to call on the Senate to advance a reconciliation package that includes drug pricing reforms by Memorial Day. Please RSVP to [email protected] to attend the press conference.

Have a great weekend, everyone!

Welcome to the Week in Review.

1. “We Have The Votes”

2. A Human Rights Issue

3. The Cost Of MS

Apropos of nothing, the price of a full course of rabies immunization can be $10,000.

Welcome to the Week in Review.

1. The Ploy To Keep Prices High

2. “We Have To Do This”

3. The Case For Medicare Negotiation  

This April, we won’t let Big Pharma fool us: We can have the drug innovation we need at prices we can afford.

Welcome to the Week in Review.

1. Priority #1: Full Drug Pricing Package

2. Saving Money, Improving Access

3. Time For A Course-Correct 

It’s been 6 years since Britney has recorded new music — but it’s been three times longer that Medicare hasn’t been able to negotiate lower drug prices. Big Pharma’s Toxic drug prices Drive Me Crazy.

Welcome to the Week in Review.

1. No Time To Lose

2. Princes Of Profiteering

3. “We Have Waited Long Enough”

It’s madness that drug prices are still so high, but if a #15 can beat a #2, then we can beat pharma and lower drug prices for Americans.

Welcome to the Week in Review.

1. “A Clear Path Forward”

2. Letters For Lower Drugs

3. Stop Pharma Profiteering Now

4. The High Price Of Cancer Care

5. Patient Spotlight ? 

One more thing: Good news! This week, the New Jersey Senate Health, Human Services, and Senior Citizens Committee voted to advance legislation that would establish a prescription drug affordability board to tackle high drug prices on behalf of New Jersey patients.

Welcome to the Week in Review.

1. Listen To Colorado Patients

2. Momentum Is Clearer Than Ever  

3. Big Pharma’s Big Money 

HEADS UP: The Senate Finance Committee is holding a hearing on the urgent need to lower prescription drug prices on Wednesday, March 16. Keep an eye out for an email from us on Big Pharma talking points to watch out for during the hearing.

Roundtable Takes Place As Senate Considers Drug Pricing Reforms In A New Reconciliation Package

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Colorado patient advocates Gail deVore and Kris Garcia will speak at Senator Michael Bennet’s virtual roundtable today at 3:00 PM MT/5:00 PM ET on the urgent need to lower the price of prescription drugs. This event takes place as the Senate considers the drug pricing reforms already passed by the House of Representatives. 

“Colorado patients are fortunate that Senator Bennet is a champion in the fight to deliver relief to Coloradans and Americans who are struggling to afford their prescription drugs,” said David Mitchell, a patient with incurable blood cancer whose drugs carry a list price of more than $900,000 per year and founder of Patients For Affordable Drugs Now, ahead of the roundtable. “The drug pricing reforms under consideration by the Senate will help millions of patients by authorizing Medicare to negotiate directly with drug companies, limiting year-to-year price increases, and capping out-of-pocket costs for millions who are on Medicare or are insulin-dependent.”

Kris, a father of three from Denver, lives with bleeding disorders, asthma, and severe allergies and is prescribed many expensive drugs, including EpiPens and Humate-P, which costs $10,000 per vial. “The toll of having a medical condition like this is taxing enough; the financial burden only makes such a situation more stressful,” Kris will say at the roundtable. “The price of these prescriptions has affected many decisions in my life. I had to give up my dream of being a business owner because of how expensive my medications were. … My family and I will keep having to make daily sacrifices in order to make sure I have what I need to survive. … The Senate must pass these measures now to help the millions of patients in the U.S. who struggle to afford their drugs.”

“As someone who has been facing the outrageous price of insulin for decades, I can’t begin to tell you how much real, comprehensive drug pricing reform would mean to me,” Gail, a Denver patient who lives with type 1 diabetes and depends on insulin to survive, will share today. “That’s why I am so grateful that Senator Bennet is fighting to lower drug prices for all patients so we have access to the medications we need at prices we can afford.” 

In his State of the Union address last week, President Biden called on Congress to lower the prices of prescription drugs by passing reforms, including allowing Medicare to negotiate. The drug pricing reforms in the House-passed Build Back Better Act are the most popular element of the package, will deliver relief to patients, and have been endorsed by all 50 Democratic senators. 

Senator Bennet, Gail, and Kris will be joined by other Colorado patients and spokespeople from AARP Colorado and Colorado Consumer Health Initiative at today’s event. Reporters who are interested in attending today’s 3:00 PM MT/5:00 PM ET virtual roundtable should RSVP to [email protected]. Gail, Kris, and P4ADNow staff members are available to speak with press upon request.
