Latest News | Nov 2, 2020

The Week in Review in Prescription Drug Pricing

Three. More. Days. Welcome to the Week In Review.

1. Ten Years A Cancer Patient

2. Send Him Packing

3. Risky Investments

4. Paying in Advance

5.  The Very Definition of Pandemic Profiteering

My name is Sherry and I’m from Oro Valley, AZ. I take a drug called Topamax to treat my intense migraines, but it’s so expensive that I have to cut down on other areas of my life.

I’ve been taking Topamax for 25 years, and back then, I remember paying around $50 for a 30-day supply. These days, it costs about $280 out-of-pocket for a three-month supply, even after insurance coverage. I have to continue using the brand-name drug because the generic doesn’t control my migraines as well. 

I don’t have any choice but to keep using Topamax because it really reduces the number of migraines I get. Without this medication, I’m completely non-functioning. My migraines can last for up to four days and prevent me from working and carrying out my daily routines. When I get a migraine, the lights are blinding and I’m constantly nauseous. It feels impossible to think and it’s even painful to lie down — you don’t want your head to touch anything. Topamax allows me to live a more normal life.

Topamax is the most expensive medication I take, but I’ve seen the prices of my other drugs increase as well. Ascomp with codeine, another medication for headaches, costs $30 for a month’s supply even though it used to cost $5. Similarly, Synthroid now costs $20 instead of $6 for a 90-day supply. These expenses take a big hit on my budget and make it impossible to put money away for emergencies.

Drug companies are ripping off older people simply because they can. I’m sick and tired of working for what I have and losing everything because I need to pay for my medications. And yet it doesn’t feel like anyone is paying attention to this issue. It’s time for our lawmakers to take care of America’s seniors and work on getting drug prices down once and for all.

 TEN days to go. Welcome to the Week In Review.

1. Dubious Discount Cards…Disappear?

2. Stage Set for Drug Pricing Reform in 2021

3. Double-Charged in a Pandemic

4. Oh, COME ON

5. Milking Mayhem

NASHVILLE, Tenn. — During tonight’s presidential debate in Nashville, Vice President Joe Biden promised to stand with patients and let Medicare negotiate for lower drug prices.

“Drug prices are a top issue for voters, and we appreciate Vice President Biden emphasizing his plan to lower prices, promote competition, and let Medicare negotiate,” said Ben Wakana, executive director of Patients For Affordable Drugs Now.
Watch the clip here.


Vice President Biden: “We’re going to make sure we reduce the premiums and reduce drug prices by making sure that there’s competition that doesn’t exist now by allowing Medicare to negotiate.”



WASHINGTON, D.C. — Patients across the country are calling on President Trump and former Vice President Biden to discuss their plans to lower the prices of prescription drugs at the final presidential debate in Nashville Thursday.

“Ever increasing drug prices continue to hurt Americans all across the country,” said David Mitchell, a cancer patient and the founder of Patients For Affordable Drugs Now. “And with the pandemic stealing lives and livelihoods, voters need to hear from the candidates about how they will lower the prices of prescription drugs. We will be listening as the candidates lay out their final arguments Thursday — to hear how they will fight for patients and stand up against pharma.”

According to the Kaiser Family Foundation, nearly 9 out of 10 voters say lowering prescription drug prices is a top health care issue deciding their 2020 vote. And, 35 percent of voters say drug pricing is among their “most important” voting issues, according to Gallup.

Patients in 15 key battleground states have shared stories of the impact skyrocketing drug prices have had on their lives. Here’s a sample of what patients across the country want the presidential candidates to understand:

Blythe Kauhn, Chandler, AZ, type 1 diabetes: “I feel like more people need to understand that it’s not cheap to have conditions that don’t go away. We don’t get to say, ‘Oh, I don’t want to have diabetes this month.’”

Kris Garcia, Denver, CO, bleeding disorders: “When you cast your ballot, make sure your candidate has a plan to lower drug prices.”

Clayton “DJ” Martin, Jacksonville, FL, sickle cell disease: “As a father with sickle cell, with a daughter with the sickle cell trait, I worry about her future because of the high prices of drugs.”

Patricia McKenzie, Lithonia, GA, type 2 diabetes: “People have to choose between eating and their medications. They have to choose between life and death. And that should not be a choice. Not here in America.”

Jacquie Persson, Waterloo, IA, Crohn’s disease: “I’m voting for candidates who will stand up to Big Pharma and lower the prices of prescription drugs.”

Tammy de la Cruz, North Las Vegas, NV, chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy: “The cost of this medication is anywhere from $1,000 to $1,500, and I get it every week. Without it, I fear I will become paralyzed again.”

Rose Keller, Concord, NH, cystic fibrosis: “The high cost of drug prices has stripped me, and other young patients like me, of the opportunity to dream about what we might be when we grow up.”

Don Kreis, Concord, NH, Rose’s father: “For my sake, and for the sake of my daughter, I hope you will vote for candidates who fight Big Pharma and stand up for lower drug prices.”

Steven Hadfield, Charlotte, NC, blood cancer: “The doctor has recommended me to work less. But I live in fear over my high drug prices.”

Sophie, 19, Grand Rapids, MI, type 1 diabetes: “It’s going to be my first time voting this year. Prices of drugs have a huge effect on my vote.”

Hazel, 12, Grand Rapids, MI, type 1 diabetes: “I hope you’ll vote for candidates who will fight for lower drug prices.”

Travis Paulson, Eveleth, MN, type 1 diabetes: “Since the pandemic has started, we’ve been forced to buy our medications and insulin at the extraordinary prices they charge here in the U.S.”

Heidi Kendall, Missoula, MT, chronic myeloid leukemia: “It’s scary to depend for my life on a drug that costs so much.”

Kolton Chapman, Pickerington, OH, ulcerative colitis: “When I was on Entyvio, I was responsible for paying $2,000 a month. It was more than I owe in student loans, so I ended up filing for bankruptcy because of my medical debt.”

Rachel Burnett, Pittsburgh, PA, Crohn’s disease: “It’s so unfair to have these illnesses, and it’s so unfair to have to pay so much just to stay alive.”

Candice Brown, Alexandria, VA, ulcerative colitis: “This drug pricing system was not meant to benefit me as a patient. It was meant to benefit Big Pharma.”

Leah Clark, Columbus, WI, Crohn’s disease: “I have big plans for my future, and I can’t afford to have the high cost of drug prices getting in the way of my accomplishments.”

In September, Patients For Affordable Drugs Now launched a national campaign lifting up the voices of patients who are calling on voters to support candidates who will stand up to Big Pharma and fight to lower prescription drug prices. The campaign features TV, radio, and digital ads alongside tools to give grassroots patient advocates the power to engage with candidates on the issue of drug prices. P4ADNow is an independent, bipartisan patient organization focused on policies to lower drug prices. It does not accept funding from any organizations that profit from the development or distribution of prescription drugs.


We need Clare-ity on drug prices.

1. Follow the Money: Pharma Peddles Influence in State Races

2. Drug Pricing on the Ballot

3. Taxpayer Cash Flows to Pharma

4. Transparency Needed

5. Betting on Pandemic PR

WASHINGTON, D.C. —This week, two independent investigations detailed how Big Pharma is showering state and federal officials with tens of millions of dollars in hopes of winning their votes in legislative fights next year.

“Pharma may have deep pockets, but patients have our voices and our votes,” said David Mitchell, a cancer patient and the founder of Patients For Affordable Drugs Now. “This election year, patients are sending a message to legislators at all levels: Stand with patients, not pharma.”

According to STAT News’ analysis, Big Pharma has conducted a coordinated effort to win favor in state legislatures. “Major pharmaceutical companies and trade groups have helped to fund the campaigns of 1,933 state legislators nationwide in the current election cycle,” according to the investigation.

The Houston Chronicle highlights the influence pharma is attempting to buy in key Texas congressional races. Nationwide, the article highlights the industry’s commitment to congressional donations: “The pharmaceutical industry had already spent $26 million on congressional campaign donations through the first six months of the year trying to influence outcomes.”

In September, Patients For Affordable Drugs Now launched an effort to push back on Big Pharma’s lobbying influence. The grassroots campaign lifts up the voices of patients and calls on voters to support candidates who will stand up to Big Pharma and fight to lower prescription drug prices.

Nearly 8 in 10 Americans say drug prices are “unreasonable,” and nearly 1 in 3 Americans report not taking their medication as prescribed due to price. According to a recent national survey, 7 out of 10 likely voters say a candidate’s position on lowering prescription drug prices is important in deciding who to vote for — including 30 percent who say it is very important.


We at Patients For Affordable Drugs Now are heartbroken to learn of the passing of Clayton “DJ” Martin, 33, a Jacksonville, Florida father and sickle cell warrior.

DJ was a fierce advocate with Patients For Affordable Drugs Now. He was dedicated to fighting for an affordable and accessible cure for sickle cell. He graciously shared his fight with us, saying: 

“As a result of sickle cell, I have also been diagnosed with avascular necrosis in my left hip and end-stage renal failure. It took me about seven years to complete my bachelor’s degree due to the setbacks and complications that come with sickle cell. An affordable cure would be monumental and would totally alleviate the pain many patients go through. Everybody who needs this cure should be able to get it, regardless of price.”

In October 2019, he visited the Washington, DC offices of his federal lawmakers to advocate for legislation that would make drugs more affordable. And earlier this year, in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, DJ penned a column for The Orlando Sentinel, about the impact Big Pharma has on Americans in the midst of a global pandemic. 

“If big pharma is allowed to retain systematic control of the drug industry during this pandemic, it will not be just you or me that suffer the consequences, but the country as a whole,” Martin wrote. This September, DJ told his story with Florida voters in a video where he shared his love and worry for his daughter, who also lives with the sickle cell trait. He called on his fellow Floridians to join him in electing candidates who fight for patients like him.

DJ’s advocacy did not start nor stop with P4ADNOW, instead he spent his life dedicated to advocating for the lives of everyone fighting sickle cell. He founded the Benjamin Ivory Foundation to bring awareness to sickle cell and advocate for optimal health to people living with it — all in the name of his friend and fellow sickle cell warrior, Benjamin Ivory Reddick. 

DJ Martin is the epitome of the advocate we all strive to be. He was kind, dedicated, and caring. We are so lucky that he devoted so much of his time to fighting for affordable drugs prices. His death is a loss to our movement, but he inspires us to carry on. 

Our heart goes out to DJ’s family, friends, and all of the people whose lives he touched. He will be missed.