Latest News | Jun 1, 2020

The Week in Review in Prescription Drug Pricing

We’re launching drug pricing news into your orbit no matter the forecast! Welcome to the Week In Review.

1. Hold the Applause

2. We Deserve a Say

3. Set up to Pay Twice

4.  “We must lift up our voices” 

5. Pharma Amps Up Drug Ad Spending in Midst of Pandemic

Nobody puts drug pricing in a corner. Welcome to the Week In Review!

1. Don’t Squander Public Goodwill

2. We’ll Have Lower Drug Prices, Fries, and a Coke

3. Taxpayers Up COVID-19 Ante

4. We’ve Got it Backwards

5. Affordability Always

WASHINGTON, DC Patients For Affordable Drugs Now sent a letter to Capitol Hill this week urging Congress to focus on three topics in upcoming COVID-19 legislative packages: ensuring taxpayer investment into COVID-19 drugs is factored into prices, helping the nation prepare for future public health emergencies, and addressing the high list prices of prescription drugs as Americans struggle with the impact of the pandemic.
“COVID-19 did not make high drug prices go away — it worsened the crisis for patients,” the letter states. “Every dollar we pay in unjustified profits to drug corporations is a dollar we could use to support ordinary Americans whose health and economic well-being has been devastated by this pandemic. If we had unlimited resources as a nation, these choices wouldn’t matter. But we don’t.”
The letter, addressed to congressional leaders in the House and the Senate and signed by patients from all 50 states, calls for congressional action in three key areas:

  1. Ensure taxpayers have a say in COVID-19 drug pricing. Since March, the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA) has awarded more than $1.2 billion to the pharmaceutical industry for COVID-19 drugs — with no stipulations on fair pricing. As partners in the scientific and funding processes, American taxpayers deserve a say in the price.
  2. Prioritize long-term incentives for infectious disease research over short-sighted giveaways to the drug industry. Pharma does not need new incentives to develop COVID-19 drugs. The federal government is bankrolling research, sponsoring clinical trials, and eliminating all liability for drug corporations investing in COVID-19 drugs, and the pandemic’s global impact guarantees billions of buyers. Instead, Congress should invest in and incentivize research to prevent and prepare for future infectious disease outbreaks.
  3. Lower drug prices now. The COVID-19 pandemic has only worsened the drug pricing crisis in the United States. Alongside soaring unemployment numbers, 27 million Americans could lose employer-based health insurance, exposing many of them to high list prices. Congress must take long-awaited action on drug prices immediately.

Patients For Affordable Drugs Now is an independent, bipartisan patient organization focused on policies to lower drug prices. P4ADNow does not accept funding from any organizations that profit from the development or distribution of prescription drugs.

Read the letter here.


Take a break from baking sourdough, churning butter, and screaming into the void. Read the Week in Review in Drug Pricing!

1. On the Double: Give Taxpayers A Say

2. COVID-19 Did Not Make High Drug Prices Go Away

3. We Shouldn’t Pay Twice

4. Transparency Triumphs in Minnesota!

5. Maryland Governor Bows to Big Pharma with Veto

We’re not sure if X Æ A-12 is the name of a child or a new prescription drug, but we can tell you the latest in this week’s drug pricing news. Welcome to the Week in Review!

1. Pharma Sees Dollar Signs Ahead

2. Pandemic Price Hike: Called Out 

3. People Before Profit

4. It All Adds Up

5. Be on the ? Out For COVID-19 Vaccine Monopolies

Just Amash up of this week’s drug pricing news! Welcome to the Week In Review.

1. Memo to Pharma: A Pandemic is NOT a Pay Day

2. The People Want Drug Pricing Reform

3. Minnesota Momentum

4. Priced too High

5. Let’s Stay the Course and Lower Drug Prices

Slow news week. ?

1. Debunked

2. Shareholders before R&D

3. We want our money back, Mallinckrodt

4. Guilty!

5. Attorneys take on drug prices

WASHINGTON, DC — A new campaign by Patients For Affordable Drugs Now calls on Senators to support one of President Trump’s top priorities by passing legislation to lower prescription drug prices. The multi-million dollar campaign, launched today, urges Senators to stand with patients and the President in support of the Prescription Drug Pricing Reduction Act (S. 2543) — a bill that would stop drug company price gouging and lower costs for seniors.
“Americans of every political stripe agree that drug prices have got to come down,” said David Mitchell, a cancer patient and the founder of Patients For Affordable Drugs Now. “Patients are done with Big Pharma’s lies and outsized influence in Congress, and they’re ready to vote on the issue come November.”
The campaign is launching with two national TV ads featuring patients hurt by rising drug prices. Watch the videos, “Gail,” and “Jackie,” and read the transcripts below.
As part of the campaign set to run until late May, Patients For Affordable Drugs Now will also release radio and digital advertisements nationally and in key states that demonstrate the toll high prescription drug prices are taking on everyday Americans. In addition, the campaign will commission polling, fly patients to Washington, and offer patients a suite of tools to help them contact their elected officials and demand action to lower drug prices.
Starting today, P4ADNow will thank Sen. Joni Ernst (R-IA), the most recent Senator to endorse the Grassley-Wyden bill.


This is a four week supply of my chemotherapy —
It’s 20 pills, and it’s $20,000 every single month.
You know it’s hard enough thinking that I’m not going to live that long and to leave my husband alone.
But to leave him bankrupt? It’s devastating to me.
Millions of people like me are struggling — and drug prices just keep going up and up.
But now there are bipartisan proposals in Congress that would actually bring those prices down.
Mr. President, Congress, it’s time to make history.
The time is now.


My insulin used to cost $26 a vial.
Today, drug companies charge up to $350 a vial.
This is the same insulin formula I’ve been using for almost 30 years.
Regular middle class people like me — we need help.
Without Congressional intervention, many of us are struggling.
Many are dying.
Just because we can’t afford insulin.

Mr. President and Congress, we are counting on you. 

