The Ads Tell Constituents That After Vowing “To Stand Up To Drug Companies,” Don Davis Is “the Lone Democrat Willing To Weaken Medicare’s Power To Negotiate Drug Prices”

Washington, D.C. – Patients For Affordable Drugs Now (P4ADNow) today began running a series of TV ads to inform constituents in Congressman Don Davis’ district (D-NC1) that he has reneged on his campaign promise regarding prescription drug pricing. Congressman Davis pledged he would “stand up to drug companies.” Instead, Davis has become the only Democrat in the House of Representatives to sponsor legislation that would undermine Medicare’s ability to negotiate lower drug prices, a wildly popular provision in the Inflation Reduction Act that is supported by more than 80 percent of voters and would lower drug prices for millions of people on Medicare. 

His betrayal of his promise to patients comes after he accepted tens of thousands of dollars from drug companies including Gilead, Astellas, Genentech, Bayer, Pfizer, Novo Nordisk, GSK, Bristol Myers Squibb, Amgen, Boehringer Ingelheim, Merck, AbbVie, and Eli Lilly. 

“Voters overwhelmingly support Medicare negotiation to lower prescription drug prices,” said David Mitchell, a cancer patient and founder of Patients For Affordable Drugs Now.  “The voters in Congressman Davis’s district need to know that he reneged on his campaign promise to stand up to drug companies and is sponsoring legislation that, if enacted, would weaken Medicare’s ability to negotiate and lead to higher prices for roughly 90 percent of the drugs Americans need. 

P4ADNow has heard from dozens of patients within Congressman Davis’s district who are struggling under the weight of high drug prices. One constituent revealed the heartbreaking reality of having to forego essential medications despite being insured, simply due to financial strain. Another shared the daily struggle of managing a chronic disease while grappling with the prohibitive cost of medications, often relying on the goodwill of friends for assistance. Additionally, a third constituent’s plea for affordable access to life-saving heart medications for her husband underscores the urgent need for Congressman Davis to honor his campaign promises and prioritize the well-being of his constituents over corporate interests. 

These personal stories serve as an important reminder of the human toll of high drug prices and the critical importance of Medicare negotiation to alleviate the burden for millions of Americans.

The ads–which can be viewed here and here–will be broadcast across local television and digital platforms starting February 13th. 
