WASHINGTON, D.C. — The following statement was issued by David Mitchell, a cancer patient and founder of Patients For Affordable Drugs Now:

“Today’s statements from Reps. Peters, Rice, and Schrader opposing H.R. 3 in the House Energy and Commerce Committee mark-up are but a speed bump on the way to a reconciliation package with strong drug pricing provisions, including Medicare negotiation, clearing the full House of Representatives. We look forward to H.R. 3 passing out of the Ways and Means Committee and coming as a part of the reconciliation package to the House floor, where we fully expect it will win passage. 
“It is unfortunate that Reps. Peters, Rice, Schrader are turning their backs on patients, going against the wishes of voters in their districts, and doing the bidding of Big Pharma. There will no doubt be a price to pay in the future for their efforts to oppose the most popular priority in the reconciliation package — allowing Medicare to negotiate lower drug prices. 

“We are up against a powerful and rich industry and have always expected a tough fight with some setbacks. Big Pharma will spend, do, and say whatever it takes to defeat any legislation that will curb its unilateral power to dictate prices of prescription drugs. We know the industry is all over Capitol Hill with an army of lobbyists who are twisting arms, making campaign contributions, issuing threats, and spreading lies. And in the end, they will fail.”

