WASHINGTON, D.C. — The following statement was issued by David Mitchell, a cancer patient and the founder of Patients For Affordable Drugs Now:

“The swearing in of the two Georgia Democratic senators creates the best political environment in years for serious reforms to address high drug prices in America. Democrats and Republicans across the country campaigned on promises to bring relief to the American people; Senators Jon Ossoff and Raphael Warnock will provide the margin to deliver on those promises. Under Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, the Senate has the opportunity to advance bipartisan, comprehensive drug pricing legislation, such as that passed by the House in the 116th Congress and likely to be passed by the House early in this session. President Biden has stated clearly his strong support for reforms to lower drug prices, including direct Medicare price negotiations with the drug corporations.

“Americans are suffering as we pay almost four times what other wealthy nations pay for prescription drugs. That must end. Patients For Affordable Drugs Now looks forward to working with the administration and members of Congress from both parties who are ready to lift the burden of high drug prices from the backs of the American people in the months ahead.”
