1. Moderna’s Money Grab
- In a conference call with investors Wednesday, the Moderna CEO hinted all bets are off on pricing for its 100 percent taxpayer-funded vaccine candidate once the current outbreak subsides. And, bad news, COVID-19 is likely here to stay. *But that’s not all.* Moderna also plans to charge the highest price yet of the vaccine candidates, at $32 to $37 per dose. Business as usual can’t stand in the COVID-19 era. — (NPR)
2. Patents Protecting Profits
- Thirty-one state attorneys general pressured the federal government to ensure affordable prices for Gilead’s COVID-19 drug, remdesivir, by invoking a law to break the company’s patent hold on the drug. With a price tag of $3,120, Americans are going to pay 33 percent more than the rest of the world for a drug with only modest benefits for COVID-19 patients, even though U.S. taxpayers have pumped more than $70 millioninto its development. We’re glad to see Gilead’s opportunism being called out, but Americans won’t be protected until lawmakers pass legislation to prevent price gouging. — (USA Today)
3. Once Again, Paying Twice
- The U.S. government agreed to pay $1 billion for 100 million doses of Johnson & Johnson’s potential COVID-19 vaccine, on top of its previous commitment of $456 million for research and development. In a public health crisis, Americans are paying twice for essential vaccines and therapeutics. This cannot remain the norm. — (CNBC)