CHARLESTON — Big Pharma is furiously lobbying Washington to protect its profits, but Sen. Shelley Moore Capito is fighting for patients as she works to lower drug prices. That’s why today, Patients For Affordable Drugs Now launched a campaign to thank Sen. Capito for her leadership in the fight to lower drug prices and encourage her to support a key bill in the Senate that would protect Americans from unjustified drug price hikes.

Watch the ad campaign video, “Ashley.”

Currently, the average American pays two to three times more for prescription drugs than citizens in other wealthy countries. The Prescription Drug Pricing Reduction Act of 2019 would curtail runaway price hikes in America and cap out-of-pocket costs for patients on Medicare, who can face more than $15,000 a year in drug costs.

“President Trump supports the Senate bill, and now we’re asking Senator Capito to cosponsor this important bipartisan legislation,” said David Mitchell, a cancer patient and the founder of Patients For Affordable Drugs Now. “Senator Capito has supported the CREATES Act, which would curtail anticompetitive practices, and has spoken out against high drug prices. Now we are asking her to stand with patients in support of the Senate bill to stop Big Pharma price gouging.”

Today’s ads are part of the multi-million dollar campaign Patients For Affordable Drugs Now launched last month that features patients speaking out in support of proposals in the House and Senate to rein in skyrocketing drug prices. The campaign features TV, digital, and radio ads across the country that show the toll high prescription drug prices are taking on everyday Americans. In addition to paid media, the effort features visits from patients to Washington to share their stories in person and gives patients a suite of tools to contact their representatives in support of lowering drug prices.

Big Pharma is spending millions to distort, demonize, and relentlessly attack these proposals because the changes could actually break the rigged system that keeps pharma’s profits high and patients’ costs skyrocketing.

Americans overwhelmingly support action to lower drug prices. Eighty-six percent of Americans — majorities of Democrats, Republicans, and Independents — support allowing Medicare to negotiate. Nearly 1 in 3 adults report not taking their medicines as prescribed due to cost.

The mission of Patients For Affordable Drugs Now is to educate the public and mobilize patients to advocate for policies to curb runaway drug prices in America. Touted by The Hill as “a leading drug pricing advocacy group,” Patients For Affordable Drugs Now is a bipartisan non-profit organization established under Section 501(c)(4) of the Internal Revenue Service code. As a 501(c)(4), P4ADNow engages in electoral activity and direct advocacy in support of legislation that would lower drug prices.
