WASHINGTON, D.C. — Big Pharma has spent millions of dollars on a full-court press to stop the Trump administration from implementing an International Pricing Index for one reason: The plan will lower drug prices in America. Today, industry lobbyists will meet with administration officials to press their case that Americans should continue to pay twice what other countries pay for drugs.

“We have no doubt the drug corporations will dust off their favorite scare tactics — like ‘rationing medicine,’ ‘reducing access,’ and ‘socialism,’” said David Mitchell, a cancer patient and the founder of Patients For Affordable Drugs Now. “But the claims are outrageous, offensive, and wrong.”

Here are the facts:

FACT CHECK: PhRMA’s False Claims About the Medicare Part B demonstration

MYTH #1: The Part B demonstration will restrict access to lifesaving drugs.

MYTH #2: The Part B demonstration will establish drug prices that are impossibly low — stifling innovation, damaging drug companies and hurting our health system.

MYTH #3: The demonstration will result in worse care for patients. The government should not replace a market-based system with government price setting.

MYTH #4: Americans do not support the Part B proposed changes.
