The bargain that wasn’t. A fight with BIO. And who will replace the commish?
Welcome to the week in review in prescription drug pricing!
1. No deal
- After raising the price of Humalog more than 1000 percent in two decades, Eli Lilly will begin selling an authorized generic or $137.35 per vial. Don’t be fooled. Insulin was invented almost a century ago and is still too expensive. — (The New York Times)
2. Patients take center stage
- A panel of patients went to Capitol Hill this week to share their stories with the Senate Special Committee on Aging. P4AD Patient Advocate Sheldon Armus shared his experience with rising prescription drugs. — (Bay News 9)
3. The gloves are off
- The lobbying group BIO refused to denounce its member company, Catalyst Pharmaceuticals, after the price-gouger hiked the cost of an old drug from 0 to $375,000. — (STAT)
4. Big shoes to fill
- We’re sad to see the FDA chief go. Who will replace him? Inquiring minds want to know! — (NPR)
5. Maryland leads the way
- Maryland’s proposed Prescription Drug Affordability Board would be the first of its kind and could set the tone for other states to follow. — (The Washington Post)