More women are headed to Washington. Women are disproportionately impacted by high drug prices, so increased representation is a good thing! 
1. Patients won. Drug prices won. 

Healthcare — and prescription drug prices in particular — moved voters to the polls. — (The Washington Post

2. What’s Next? Getting Results.

Donald Trump, Mitch McConnell, and Nancy Pelosi all mentioned drug prices as an area of focus for the 116th Congress. — (STAT)

3. Big Pharma Campaign Cash –– Rejected

“This year, 72 percent of Red to Blue candidates — from all ideological factions — have made the same commitment [to reject corporate PAC money].” — (CQ Roll Call

4. Respect your elders, PhRMA

The drug lobby wants seniors to pay more so drug companies can juice their record profits. Good luck explaining that one to Grandma at Thanksgiving. — (Bloomberg)

5. Duck Tales

Want to know our lame duck focus? Read about it here. — (STAT)