Crazy rich drug companies. DIY hospital drugs. A California Congresswoman in Big Pharma’s pocket.
Welcome to the week in review in prescription drug pricing.
1. Crazy Rich Drug Companies
These families banded together to raise money for research into a new medication for cystinosis. But then they were priced out of the resulting drug. — (The Daily Beast)
2. August brought hot temps and high drug prices…
A new analysis by Wells Fargo showed drug corporations raised prices on 60 drugs in August. The median hike? 9.9 percent. Seven drugs saw a 100 percent gouge. #becausetheycan — (Axios)
3. We oppose the re-election of California Congresswoman Anna Eshoo
In California, a mom with multiple sclerosis can’t afford her medications. When a congresswoman does the industry’s bidding, Californians and Americans are harmed. — (P4AD Now)
4. Hospital drugs DIY
Fed up with shortages and rising costs, a not-for-profit organization is working to produce 14 generic drugs in hopes that the hospitals will pass on that savings to patients. — (Forbes)
5. Presidential tweets will not lower drug prices
While some manufacturers said that they are not planning on raising the prices of their drugs, others are unphased by the president’s tweets. Idea: Let Medicare negotiate. — (Forbes)